3M740+741D手环鞋测试仪 ?3M740防静电手环鞋测试仪,可安装在工厂墙上与741D脚垫配合使用,来测试工人的手腕带和防静电鞋接地系统是否工作良好。不同的阻值设定,易于识别的指示灯,适用于不同的工业,符合国际标准,同时具有数字输出端口,可连接自动门控、警报及数据记录设备。? 备注: 3M740手腕带和鞋类测试主机,可单独购买。 3M741D双脚测试脚垫,为3M740测试仪做鞋类测试参数时的选购配件,可单独选购。 ?静电测试仪器?>?3M/SCS静电测试仪?740 ? ? ??????? 740测试仪 741D配套脚踏板 740 手腕带/工鞋测试仪 Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 测试手腕带是否在合格电阻范围内 测试工鞋是否在合格电阻范围内 (必须选配741脚踏板) 14V测试电压 测试精度: +/-10%(2,5,10,35,50M?); +/-20%(100M?) 24-30VDC/150mA工作电源 配套741D脚踏板尺寸508mm x 406mm, 1.4kg, 1mm厚不锈钢板 手腕带电阻:? 下限-750k?, 固定值不可更改 上限-2M?、5M?、10M?、35M?可选 工鞋电阻: 下限-750k?, 固定值不可更改 上限-10M?、35M?、50M?、100M?可选 品牌: 3M/SCS ?产地: 美国 订购编号: 描述: 740 包含以下物品 ? 740测试表, 1个 ? 接地线, 1条 ? 230VAC-24~30VDC变压器, 1个 ? ? 741D 配套脚踏板 740 产品参数 740 操作手册 3M ? Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 3M ? Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 (230 Volts) The Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 (230 volts) features a DIN-style connector that works with the 3M ? Dual Shoe Electrode 741D. The unit includes a power supply with the Shuko plug style that can be used in the European Union. 3M ? Shoe Electrode 741 To test footwear with the Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 , the Shoe Electrode 741 accessory is required. The Shoe Electrode 741 is a stainless steel plate with a molded plastic base. The rugged construction of the Shoe Electrode 741 makes it ideal for everyday testing. It has been specifically designed to be used with the Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740. NOTE: The Shoe Electrode 741 must be ordered separately from the Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740. The 3M ? Dual Shoe Electrode 741D allows differentiation between the right and left shoe. Note: The Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 is for use only with the Dual Shoe Electrode 741. The Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 (230V) is for use only with the Dual Shoe Electrode 741D. 3M Wrist Strap and Footwear Tester 740 Product Specifications Dimensions 5.5" W x 2.14" H x 7.5" L (14 cm W x 5.5 cm H x 19 cm L) Weight 15.5 ozs. (438 g) Power Supply external AC/DC - transformer, 24-30VDC/150mA Test Voltage 14VDC ± 1 volt (open circuit) Resistance Ranges Lower limit: 750K ohms Upper limits (wrist strap): 2, 5, 10 and 35M ohms Upper limits (footwear): 10, 35, 50 and 100M ohms Accuracy + 20% for 750K ohms lower limit ± 10% for 2M, 5M, 10M, 35M and 50M ohms ± 20% for 100M ohms Output Open collector at pins 1, 2, 4 and 5 DC return at pin 6 + 5V at pin 3 Wall Mounting 3M ? Dual Lock ? System 3M Shoe Electrode 741 Product Specifications Dimensions 20 x 16 in. (508 x 406 mm) Weight 3 lbs. (1.4 kg) Construction 1mm stainless steel plate and molded plastic base 3M740静电测试仪(搭配741)电压:120伏?; 3M740E静电测试仪(搭配741D使用)电压:220伏; 3M741D单脚静电测试脚踏板; 3M741双脚静电测试脚踏板 咨询热线:手机:/Q; UT超声---MT磁粉---PT渗透---RT射线。与之配套选件:直探头、斜探头、角度探头、保护膜探头、连接线、耦合剂、探伤试块、电池、充电器、电源线 着色探伤剂、荧光磁粉、磁悬液、反差剂; 本着“为顾客提供满意的产品和服务”的经营宗旨,上海楹点检测设备有限公司郑重承诺:在确保设备的先进性、可靠性、稳定性的同时,不断改进服务质量,从售中到售后的交货、调试开通、设备维护管理、技术服务、用户技术培训等各方面,保证顾客能得到好的服务,让顾客满意、放心。